Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Flowers & Rain

SPRING--The weather has sure been very nice this spring. I have enjoyed Spring this year and can hardly even been at the computer or inside because of the nice weather. Now it is the long-weekend and it is a cool weekend, but that did not stop me from planting the garden and the flowers. I am looking forward to seeing the garden grow and the flowers blossom. Planted another Hosta in the flower bed next to the house where I get a lot of shade. Spring is wonderful with all the leaves coming out and the tulips showing up. Then there is also the rain in Spring that makes the grass and the leaves look greener, plus refreshing. Spring reminds me of the song How Great Thou Art, because of God's creation of the World. Spring time makes me want to Praise and Worship the Lord Almighty; and be outdoors.

I may only be back at the end of summer, so enjoy Spring and Summer and Glorify God in the things you do during that time. If I am back before that it might be on a rainy day or hot day when one wants to be inside where it can be cool with AC.
Enjoy the wonderful weather God gives us, God Bless.