Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve

How does one spend New Years Eve? Well we are spending it at home. We got a lot of snow from yesterday afternoon and over night that we could not even get out to go to church. My husband spent time shoveling the sidewalks and by the garage just so we could get out. But by the time he was finished shoveling it was too late to even to get to church on time. I believe that a lot of church's must have cancelled their services, cause there were a lot of church cancellations we heard on the one station we listen to on a regular basis.
The kids enjoyed the snow. They went outside right after breakfast and stayed outside till lunch time. Oh, how to be a child again, when there is no worries of anything and just enjoying life. I enjoyed the outdoors when I was a child and to see my own children enjoy being outdoors is a true blessing. Most children these days may not enjoy the outdoors much with all the electronics that can keep them busy inside. I believe in having a balance life style.
We rented some movies as a treat for New Years Eve to end off the year. It seems to be a tradition that we rent a movie for the evening and see if we can stay awake till midnight. In some cases we have never made it till midnight cause we tend to fall asleep before then.
Our year has been an eventful year with changes. I am looking to a year that may have a lot of changes again and with a lot of good memories with my huband and children. There is no New Years resolution for me, just some goals I want to work at. Do you have any New Years Resolution? Some of my goals for the new year is to work at losing some weight, and to work at my relationship with the Lord that He may be the strong point in my life to give me the strength to conquer any evilness that satan may want to put in my life. My prayer for those that read this that you may have a blessed New Year and that you will look to the Lord for strength in your life and focus on what God's word tells us/Jesus Followers on how we are to live our lives, not how the World wants us to live. May we show God's love to others in the New Year and have forgiving hearts. Blessed New Year.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

How was Christmas?

For most people, you have spent Christmas with family whether just your little family or extended family(parents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, and nices and nephews). Well for me and my little family of us 4 we spent it on the couch and bathroom. Three of us were sick with the flu. My husband came home on the 21 feeling achy and with chills. Well by morning the next day he was sick and it was the flu, which caused him to stay at home. By saturday he felt only a little better. The kids and myself were doing fine, and chose to do our final shopping for the day, while Daddy stayed home on the couch. Come Christmas Eve morning when I got out of bed I did not acctually feel like running a marathon, instead a trip to the bathroom. During that time my mother in-law phoned to see what our plans were for Christmas till New Years, well she got her answered that I was sick as well. Then to add to this my daughter came down with the flu in the wee morning hours of Christmas Day. My husband was at the rescue of helping our daughter, cause I was not up to it. By morning or I should say once our son was up he was wanting to open the gifts. So I dragged my body onto the love seat with camera in hand and watched our son enjoy the whole Christmas morning event of opening gifts. While my daughter lay on the couch and opened her gifts with not as much enthusiasm as her brother. As the day went on my daughter and I did not move much off the couches unless it was for the need of the bathroom. I thought of people enjoying Christmas meals of turkey or chicken with all the trimmings during the day while I just drank water, gatorade, and ate soda crackers. What a Christmas. I am thankful we were at home and could just relax in our state of physical being, and not care whether we looked fine. We made the best of this Christmas despite the flu. I plan of having our Christmas Dinner yet once we all can eat the big meal. For now we are still trying some foods so our body's can get use to the intake. Hopefully next year our Christmas can be better without the flu. This has been our first Christmas that we have been sick since being married and with children. I hope all of you did have an enjoyable Christmas.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Gift Wrapping

As I wrapped some gifts this afternoon I thought of the person that the gift was for and hoped that they would enjoy it. Plus I thought of God's gift to us His Son Jesus Christ. Christmas is so special when we remember God's gift to us. I know I have not completely focused on this. I think that when one focuses on the real meaning of Christmas and on Jesus, Christmas can mean so much more. Christmas can be a blessing to us when we focus on God's gift and in showing it to others by helping those in need.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus or Lord. Romans 6:23(NIV)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Save Christmas For Another Day

As I was doing some little things around the house today I was thinking about all the things we do around Christmas in prepartions for Christmas Day. We give gifts to family and friends and to those that are in need with cheerful hearts. We seem to show our joy and friendlyness to others at Christmas, but do we sometimes forget about that joy at other times of the year? I have this little cross stitch picture I did many years ago, since being married and the saying goes like this: LET US STORE A LITTLE WARMTH AND GENTLENESS AWAY, LET US SAVE A BIT OF CHRISTMAS FOR ANOTHER DAY. This is so true. I know I need to work at this and I hope there are others that may ponder on this thought as well. May we always show others that need Christ Jesus in their lives or those in need, the joy of Christmas throughout the whole year. We can celebrate Christ Jesus birth every day when we walk with Him.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


After the children were brought to school and I got home there was preparations into baking cookies for the day. How many different kinds of cookies are there, you say? Lots. I started my Christmas baking today and I usually make a list of different variety of cookies. This year there are a couple of new ones that I found. What are some of the most favorite cookies at Christmas? Are they the sugar cookies, cookies with jam in them or are they chocolate ones? My children's favorites are unbake cookies(more my son), chocolate chips, sour cream, and sugar cookies. We go through a lot of cookies in our household and that is because my husband really likes cookies and they are easy for him to take to work. I baked four different kinds of cookies today. Started after cleaning up from breakfeast till about half an hour before I had to get the kids from school. That includes cleaning up as well. Plus I also made my daughters favorite muffins, apple.

So what is your favorite cookie at Christmas or anytime?

The character of a Noble Wife from Proverbs says:
She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family...
Proverbs 31:15

Monday, December 11, 2006

Gingerbread House

Well it has been over two weeks since I last bloged, and that is because I have been busy with all those Christmas cards I was making, sending them off to freinds and relatives. Now that I have most of them done and just have immediate family members to do, I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Plus alot of baking has to be done this week as well. The closer Christmas gets there is less and less things I need to get done.
Today I took time in a very hectic day to go help my son in grade 2 to make some gingerbread houses in the afternoon. My son was looking forward to this all weekend and even choose the candies for the house. Once I was there I discovered that the material that the children were going to use for the house was graham crackers and shreddies. They were to use the graham crackers with icing and put it on a milk carton that was shaped into a house,(not bad idea for grade 2's). The only bad thing about the graham crackers is that they ran out of them that some of the children could not finish their houses with the crackers and instead had to use pretzel sticks. So some of the houses looked partly gingerbread house with a log cabin back. The shreddies were mostly used as singles. Then came the candies which made each house unique. I helped some of the children as well as I could cause these houses were to be their projects not mine. As I watched my son build his gingerbread house I realized how well he was building it, he knew what he was wanting. As a parent I told my son he did a very good job on his house which will come home later this week. I took pictures so watch for a picture after christmas some time when I will be able to get around to developing the film. No digital camera yet,(some day).