Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

How was Christmas?

For most people, you have spent Christmas with family whether just your little family or extended family(parents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, and nices and nephews). Well for me and my little family of us 4 we spent it on the couch and bathroom. Three of us were sick with the flu. My husband came home on the 21 feeling achy and with chills. Well by morning the next day he was sick and it was the flu, which caused him to stay at home. By saturday he felt only a little better. The kids and myself were doing fine, and chose to do our final shopping for the day, while Daddy stayed home on the couch. Come Christmas Eve morning when I got out of bed I did not acctually feel like running a marathon, instead a trip to the bathroom. During that time my mother in-law phoned to see what our plans were for Christmas till New Years, well she got her answered that I was sick as well. Then to add to this my daughter came down with the flu in the wee morning hours of Christmas Day. My husband was at the rescue of helping our daughter, cause I was not up to it. By morning or I should say once our son was up he was wanting to open the gifts. So I dragged my body onto the love seat with camera in hand and watched our son enjoy the whole Christmas morning event of opening gifts. While my daughter lay on the couch and opened her gifts with not as much enthusiasm as her brother. As the day went on my daughter and I did not move much off the couches unless it was for the need of the bathroom. I thought of people enjoying Christmas meals of turkey or chicken with all the trimmings during the day while I just drank water, gatorade, and ate soda crackers. What a Christmas. I am thankful we were at home and could just relax in our state of physical being, and not care whether we looked fine. We made the best of this Christmas despite the flu. I plan of having our Christmas Dinner yet once we all can eat the big meal. For now we are still trying some foods so our body's can get use to the intake. Hopefully next year our Christmas can be better without the flu. This has been our first Christmas that we have been sick since being married and with children. I hope all of you did have an enjoyable Christmas.

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