Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Values with Jesus Christ

Since when I became a Christian, making a commitment to living for Jesus Christ and of legal age to drink alcohol beverages I have had very little amounts of alcohol. As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe that drinking alcohol is not a place for believers following Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit direction. I have read some information on should Christians drink alcohol beverages. The Holy Spirit can not work in ones life when there is alcohol involved in ones life. I find it very confussing when I am in the presents of people who claim to be Christians who go to Church on a regular bases and see that they are consuming some kind of alcohol beverage. Do these people think it is ok to have alcoholic drinks no matter who they are present with? Do they have any values in their walk with Jesus Christ? For myself I could not change my values on the alcohol consumption more due to the fact that alcohol drinks can lead to so many wrong decisions in life and can turn your life up-side down. Alcohol does not belong in a Christians walk with Jesus Christ even if Jesus drank wine himself. That was the culture then and the water was not good to drink. I would hope and pray that people would see what they are doing to themselves first and second their witness to non-believers when it comes to alcohol consumption.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Sympathy

I am posting this on my blog because nobody does read this. I have been struggling with such a bad cold this week that I have wondered am I ever going to feel better and have the energy I need for the day. This has to be one my nastiest colds I might ever have had were it relates to coughing. The coughing makes my head hurt.

I think I could be on my death bed and nobody would realize that I would be sick. This is sure sad when nobody acknowledges that your feeling lousy and that they would respond and say hope you will feel better soon. No acknowledgement on my facebook. Makes me feel like really living, and that people care, not.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Day of Things

Winter and Drivers:
Well this day started with it snowing. Me and the children had breakfast and then it was time for my daughter to go to school. Well I walk her half way and when we got to the intersection and she could cross over with a crossing guard, a vehicle that was suppose to have stoped at the stop sign was half way through the intersection. Well the driver did drive a little ways and then stoped to let me know she was slidding. Well this driver should have been driving according to the conditions of the street and weather. Plus paying attention to the stop signs. It really bothers me that drivers can not obey the law when it comes to the intersection of our street when it comes to needing to stop. Too many drivers just drive through and this intersection is a school crossing zone.

Children that Stare:
A child from my children's school likes to stare and it really bothers my son, plus I don't like it either. Well today I ask this child if he had a problem with us and he said no. Well I told him not to stare at us because it is very rude.
Why do some children think they need to stare?

May the Lord work in these people that do these things and may my children and myself learn from these situations as well.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year goals

I would rather aim for certain goals throughout the year rather then make a New Years resolution. So for my goals this year would be:
- exercise to stay physical fit.
- read The Bible daily.
- work at my relaionship with my personal savior.
- continue to work at my relationships with my husband and children.
These may not be in the order that needs to be worked at, but my goals.
With the promise of God's presence and help I can move ahead throughout the year.

Shall not He who led me safely
Through the footsteps of this day
Lead with equal understanding
All along my future way?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Old Fashion Afternoon Experience

Days of struggling with a cold and finally feeling better I get some things done around the house. The most newest encounter today while I was doing some of my favorite things the house is quiet. My daughter was spending time in her room which I was guessing reading like she does lots of times. My son who has a cold seemed to feel more awful today despite that I thought he was getting better. Well he went up to his room after watching some tv and took a nap. This quiet afternoon with my children home and I am sewing and had done some baking sure put an old fashion feeling into the day like this is something that I could be expecting once my children are teenagers. It sure seemed ode, but nice and comfortable.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This morning was a beautiful. I could not miss hearing all those birds chirping this morning. Heard my favorite bird, which gives a nice whistle. I have never seen what this bird looks like, but it sure would be nice. Then there was also the sound of a Canadian Goose flying quite close by and low. A morning that one would enjoy going for a walk and walking ones children to school rather then driving them. A morning like this makes me wonder what it was like for Mary and Martha going to Jesus tomb. Was the sun shineing and were the birds chirping because Jesus rose from the grave and lives. Jesus lives.

I can't wait to see flowers come up. My tulips are starting to show, just the leaves, but hay it won't be long and the flowers will show. Spring is beautiful. I am thankful that God is the creator the awesome creator.

WAS IT A MORNING LIKE THIS: sung by Sandi Patti.
Jeus has risen ALLELUIA, ALLELUIS.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


To those that check the blogs I know I have not been on for a long time. But as I am enjoying the last two weeks of summer holidays with my children I am realizing how I have enjoyed watching my children play. Summer has been great. Temperatures have been just right for me.
The sky was blue yesterday without a cloud in the sky. There is a slight breeze and I am seating under a birch tree in the shade watching my children play baseball. I look down the street and I am listening to other noise around me and all I hear and see are my children playing and enjoying the bright sunshine in about 29 degree hot weather. I wonder were are all the other children that should be outside playing and enjoying the summer. I know we have some elder neighbours but where are the children? Day care or off somewhere else? It is sad to know that mothers would rather work then be a Mom at home and enjoy their children. These children then have to be put into day care. Who is raising these children? The only reason why I am commenting on this is that I realized at the moment as I was watching my children that my children are the only children that are at home during the day and enjoying themselves being CHILDREN. Some of the play reminds me of my childhood years. May those mothers that are at home enjoy their children that are under 12 years old. They grow up all to fast and the years go by so quickly.