Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Missionaries Anniversary

Today is the anniversary day of the five missionary men that got killed in Ecuador. It has been 52 years. My thoughts and prayers are for the ladies that were married to these men. One of those ladies has been a real inspiration to me and that is Elizabeth Elliot. God worked in that situation and brought the men in that tribe to know Him as their personal Lord and saviour. How tragic of a situation, but bringing glory to God. May we remember that no matter what situation we are in and of those around us that don't know the Lord, that we need to reach those that are lost and need Jesus Christ in their lives.

Sweeter Than Honey

Happy New Year and I hope I can be here a little more often then what I have been.

In this new year I want to concentrate on God's word. What I can learn from God's word and how I can become more like Christ in my actions and attitude. My focus will be on on how sweet God's word can be and to use it as my diet. So many of us try to lose weight, but sometimes don't realize we need a diet with God's word. The Bible is food for the soul and for myself and maybe for others we need that food to grow in our walk with God. The Bible is sweet to those who love it. Learn it and live it. I have walked with the Lord for about 25 years maybe more and I have been richly blessed with His word and it has given me strength in trouble times and have had a joyful life in standing strong in what God's word has told me how to live. Jesus Christ has been my focus and salvation my whole life and I hope that those that don't know Christ will put their trust in Jesus Christ as their own personal saviour. May the New Year be a joyful and blessed year to all of those that read this.