Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Swimming Day

Seeing that this week is Spring Break I figured to treat my children to something special during the week. Today being that day. We went to the closest mall to us to check out a store that the children have been wanting to see. It being called Build A Bear Worshop. They enjoyed looking at everything and knew that I was not about to buy one for them. Maybe someday. After that we went and had lunch at the food court which was another treat plus checked out other stores. Then it was off to the Swimming Pool. The children enjoyed themselves and so did I till I felt the air above me being to cold. We did spend a little time in the hot tub which the children enjoyed as well, cause it was so nice and warm. Swimming today was very relaxing and time well spent with my children away from home. After our time at the pool we went home so I could get some supper ready before picking up my husband from work. By the time the children went to bed all of us where tired. My daughter said "I had the most wonderful day of my life today", when I kissed her good night, which I do believe she did have. We are thankful today that the weather we had was not as bad as it was expected first thing in the morning, but had a blessed day in the things we did.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Boot Prints in the Snow

I recall some days in February when it snowed during the day while the children were at school I was at home for the day doing some of my household tasks and my family project whiled it snowed. I watched it snow throughout the day. The Mailman came and went while it snowed. I saw his boot prints in the snow after he left my house, but they were gone in matter of time. It still continues to snow throughout the day that by the time I have to leave to get my children from School there was about an inch or more of snow. Enough that I needed to shovel the walk. When I stepped out of my yeard and onto the sidewalk I notice that there were no prints in the snow. Nobody had been out along the sidewalk. As I continue to walk and look back I noticed only my boot prints in the snow. Oh, how beautiful the path looks before me, the snow not disturbed, just a blanket of white. It seemed to be a shame to be putting boot prints in the snow. It looked so beautiful. Once I had my children and we were walking home oh, how I saw many boot prints in the snow. (People go in many ways in life, just like these boot prints do.) Now as the snow is melting there are lots of puddels and no more boot prints in the snow.
My version of how I saw snow along a path to walk in the Winter.

Monday, March 12, 2007


JUST A HOMEMAKER that enjoys the things a Mom should do when being at home. I have not regreted being a Stay At Home Mom. I have gotten to see all the first things with my children and was there when they needed a hug or the comfort they needed at the time.
The reasons I enjoy being a Homemaker is becasue I ENJOY the baking, cooking, cleaning the house and doing the laundry. Then there is also the sewing I ENJOY. The enjoyment is seeing the garment coming into shape of what it should look like and also providing the clothing for my family. I don't entirely see myself as a Wife of Noble Character in Proverbs 31:10-31, because I don't get up early to make my husband breakfeast or get his lunch ready. But the only thing I see in verse 15 that I do is to make sure meals are made, and other foods are available.
On the Spiritual side I try and do my best to teach my children the Chrisitan values the Bible teaches and I honour my husband.
There was one day I told my daughter what I was going to do during the day and she replied "that sounds like a busy day," and I figured what a cute remark.
I also like to be organized with some of the things I do in my household. Some days I might have a lot of things to do and then other days not much. Those days when I have lots to do and get to it all, I am exhausted by the end of the day (is this a supermom?) I think of it as, those things required my attention that day and needed to be done. Another reason why I enjoy being a homemaker is because of what I saw in the home I grew up in. My Mom was at home and I guess she showed me the things that a Mom did. I often did work next to her with some things, so I guess I am just continuing this on in my household. It also gave me a security that I was loved and cared for. So therefore I am wanting to give that same security to my children especially in this day and time when society is protraing that Mom's can have a career and be a Mom. Mom's miss out a lot when they have a career, cause they may not have that time in the evenings to spend the time with their children. If I did have a job during the day, when would I do my baking, cooking, cleaning or even sew for that matter, I would not, cause there would hardly be any time for all that plus spending quality time with my children. I have never been eager to have a career, just wanting to be a helping hand to those that need help. My priority is my family first. May God Bless you if you are a Mom who is at home. Our Children Need Us.

I'm Back

Hello, I am back, but not a regular basis. I have been busy with my children and working on my family project which is on going. I am not a writer, cause words just don't come to me of what I sometimes want to say and I can not express the words enough like some writers can. There are people that are gifted with writing and I am not one of those. My hat is off to those that can write and enjoy blogging lots. There will be times I will have something to say. I guess my motto is if you can't say something nice don't say it(the golden rule).