Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Monday, March 12, 2007


JUST A HOMEMAKER that enjoys the things a Mom should do when being at home. I have not regreted being a Stay At Home Mom. I have gotten to see all the first things with my children and was there when they needed a hug or the comfort they needed at the time.
The reasons I enjoy being a Homemaker is becasue I ENJOY the baking, cooking, cleaning the house and doing the laundry. Then there is also the sewing I ENJOY. The enjoyment is seeing the garment coming into shape of what it should look like and also providing the clothing for my family. I don't entirely see myself as a Wife of Noble Character in Proverbs 31:10-31, because I don't get up early to make my husband breakfeast or get his lunch ready. But the only thing I see in verse 15 that I do is to make sure meals are made, and other foods are available.
On the Spiritual side I try and do my best to teach my children the Chrisitan values the Bible teaches and I honour my husband.
There was one day I told my daughter what I was going to do during the day and she replied "that sounds like a busy day," and I figured what a cute remark.
I also like to be organized with some of the things I do in my household. Some days I might have a lot of things to do and then other days not much. Those days when I have lots to do and get to it all, I am exhausted by the end of the day (is this a supermom?) I think of it as, those things required my attention that day and needed to be done. Another reason why I enjoy being a homemaker is because of what I saw in the home I grew up in. My Mom was at home and I guess she showed me the things that a Mom did. I often did work next to her with some things, so I guess I am just continuing this on in my household. It also gave me a security that I was loved and cared for. So therefore I am wanting to give that same security to my children especially in this day and time when society is protraing that Mom's can have a career and be a Mom. Mom's miss out a lot when they have a career, cause they may not have that time in the evenings to spend the time with their children. If I did have a job during the day, when would I do my baking, cooking, cleaning or even sew for that matter, I would not, cause there would hardly be any time for all that plus spending quality time with my children. I have never been eager to have a career, just wanting to be a helping hand to those that need help. My priority is my family first. May God Bless you if you are a Mom who is at home. Our Children Need Us.

1 comment:

Darlene Schacht said...

You're a great homemaker. That's such a gift to your family.