Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


To those that check the blogs I know I have not been on for a long time. But as I am enjoying the last two weeks of summer holidays with my children I am realizing how I have enjoyed watching my children play. Summer has been great. Temperatures have been just right for me.
The sky was blue yesterday without a cloud in the sky. There is a slight breeze and I am seating under a birch tree in the shade watching my children play baseball. I look down the street and I am listening to other noise around me and all I hear and see are my children playing and enjoying the bright sunshine in about 29 degree hot weather. I wonder were are all the other children that should be outside playing and enjoying the summer. I know we have some elder neighbours but where are the children? Day care or off somewhere else? It is sad to know that mothers would rather work then be a Mom at home and enjoy their children. These children then have to be put into day care. Who is raising these children? The only reason why I am commenting on this is that I realized at the moment as I was watching my children that my children are the only children that are at home during the day and enjoying themselves being CHILDREN. Some of the play reminds me of my childhood years. May those mothers that are at home enjoy their children that are under 12 years old. They grow up all to fast and the years go by so quickly.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I am new here! What a great blog! Hope you are having a great weekend! ♥ Hugs :