Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Gingerbread House

Well it has been over two weeks since I last bloged, and that is because I have been busy with all those Christmas cards I was making, sending them off to freinds and relatives. Now that I have most of them done and just have immediate family members to do, I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Plus alot of baking has to be done this week as well. The closer Christmas gets there is less and less things I need to get done.
Today I took time in a very hectic day to go help my son in grade 2 to make some gingerbread houses in the afternoon. My son was looking forward to this all weekend and even choose the candies for the house. Once I was there I discovered that the material that the children were going to use for the house was graham crackers and shreddies. They were to use the graham crackers with icing and put it on a milk carton that was shaped into a house,(not bad idea for grade 2's). The only bad thing about the graham crackers is that they ran out of them that some of the children could not finish their houses with the crackers and instead had to use pretzel sticks. So some of the houses looked partly gingerbread house with a log cabin back. The shreddies were mostly used as singles. Then came the candies which made each house unique. I helped some of the children as well as I could cause these houses were to be their projects not mine. As I watched my son build his gingerbread house I realized how well he was building it, he knew what he was wanting. As a parent I told my son he did a very good job on his house which will come home later this week. I took pictures so watch for a picture after christmas some time when I will be able to get around to developing the film. No digital camera yet,(some day).

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