Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Preparation

A verse that I came across today to meditate on is: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1: 21. How true that we are to give ourselves daily to Christ that to live is for Him. Let's rejoice Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins that we can rejoice at Christmas time that He came as a babe for us.

This time of the year I am frantically trying to write a christmas letter and get christmas cards ready so I can mail them to friends and family. Well I can say that the letter is done, but now to do everything else. Do I make more cards or do I just do the lazy thing and use bought cards? I like to use my homemade cards cause they are a homemade touch to those that I do not see and it is just a little thing for them at Christmas to enjoy. Here are some of my homemade cards.
As I make each card I think of who I am going to send it to.

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Then there is the baking I need to do. It seems that I make a batch of cookies and the next thing I know they are gone, then I have to bake another batch. To keep up with my husband lately with the cookies I bake I just can't keep up. I think I might need to make a baking day and do as much baking as I can. With some of the Christmas programs that will be coming up I might need to bake anyways for those as well. I am looking forward to seeing my children's Christmas programs in Church and at school. Just to think that there is only two more weeks till those days arrive. Some of the preparations we do at this time of the year to make Christmas special is sometime very stressful and hectic that we forget the really meaning of celebrating Christmas. Lets remember the true reason for Christmas, Jesus and His gift to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They look awesome. I can't wait to get back to doing mine. :)