Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

What A Day/Shopping

My day was full of shopping. Seeing my husband will be gone for the weekend I needed to do some shopping before the weekend. Plus my daughter is having her birthday party on saturday, so I had to get the food for the party. Which tells me that I still need to make the cupcakes before saturday morning. Right now I wished I had a small foot stool for my feet while I am on the computer, cause my feet sure are sore with being on my feet all day. My one shopping spree was to get some fabric and notions which I needed badly so I can actually do some of my sewing that has been seating for a while. After supper I took my daughter to her gymnastics with very icy streets, which I do not like to drive on. Once she was done then it was snowing, so our drive home was very slow. To top off my whole day my daughter went and barfed in the car when we were on our street and about to turn into our backlane. So, yes as a loving mother I had to clean it up. Good part it was all on a blanket that can be washed. Plus I thanked my Heavenly Father for bringing us home safely. Bless those that read.


Anonymous said...

Cleaning barf in a car is definitely a sign that you love her dearly. I hope that she's feeling better especially with her party being tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, my link didn't work. :(