Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Update Friday

To those that read my first post. Yes my daughter had a good birthday. To our surpirse when we got to the restaurant that not just grandma and grandpa where there, but also two aunties and a cousin. My children enjoyed the meal and time spent with their cousin who is only one.
Not much today, just a cleaning day and getting things ready for my daughters birthday party with her friends tomorrow. What some mothers do for their daughters when it comes to birthday parties. All the fuss. Thank the Lord today.


Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of my own daughter's upcoming birthday. I don't know what I'll do for her yet. Hey, maybe their one year old cousin is the little one that I know.

John Cowart said...

Hi Ruth,

Darlene of CWO fame e-mailed me announcing your entry into the blog world.

Welcome, I hope you post often to let the world know what's going on in your life.

While you've been struggling to drive through snow, my wife and I have been strolling the beach here in Florida the past week celebrating our 38th anniversary.

I would have posted photos on my blog but I broke the camera the first night we were there. I do that sort of thing a lot.

I hope your blog generates many new e-friends for you and enriches your life.