Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ackowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (NIV)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cooperation and Soverignty

Yesterday evening my son asked me if I was going to come and watch the kids at school in the morning, but he could not remember the word that he was referring to. So I asked him do you mean assembly and yes that was the word. Well I did not know nothing about this assembly because no note came home about it, so of course I had to rethink of how to work out the things I had planned for today. This assembly at school included my son's grade 2 class performing a skit with the grade 5 class on the social goal cooperation. They did an excellent job on explaining how cooperation should be shown. One boy in particular was so cute after his little group did their skit and bowed and blew kisses to the audience.

In todays devotion reading I read Psalm 8 and the first verse is a faviorte of mine because it is part of a song that I like. But what struck me the most about this devotion today that I would never have thought of was that this Psalm deals with sovereignty. " When God saved you, He made you a King. You may not look like one or act like one, but you are one. Your day of salvation was a day of coronation. God put you on the throne through Jesus Christ. Believers have a responsibility to live like Kings. Our kingship securely rests on the authority and character of God. Determine to live like a King." This is from the devotion by Waren Wiersbe.
What I was amazed about was that I am a King through Jesus Christ and I sure do not feel worthy of this position. I do not deserve the position because of being a sinner, but Jesus died on the cross for me and only because of His shed blood do I deserve His grace.

May you be blessed with God's word today in your devotions with Him.

1 comment:

Darlene Schacht said...

That is an awesome devotional thought for today.

P.S. I think I know that "cute" boy. :)